Is Purified Water the same as Tap Water?

If you watch TV or read the news, you just may think so. Couldn't be further from the truth. Purified Water is defined by the US Pharmacopeia as having less than 10 PPM (that's parts per million or milligrams/liter) of total dissolved solids (TDS). In order to achieve that level of purity, you have to use expensive purification technologies like reverse osmosis or distillation or deionization. There are very few municipalities that have invested in these kinds of technologies for two very simple reasons. First, it simply costs too much, and second, 99.5% of tap water is not being consumed by people - it's being used for all sorts of other valid purposes - like flushing your toilet, washing your clothes, showering, hosing off the driveway (that, by the way, is not a valid purpose in my book), washing dishes, etc.

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Here we go!!

After many conversations with my in-house marketing gurus, I've been convinced to start a blog. Here she blows. So, in this blog, I'll occasionally pontificate on various issues that are: 1) about water, 2) timely and 3) potentially interesting. My opinions.

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